2nd Opinion

My father went to the National Cancer Centre for his first appointment. We have decided on this second opinion as Tan Tock Seng Hospital Onologist is not very professional. Seeing

cancer treatment

Swiss Manager 1.7 Pro

Swiss Manager is a composite system utility for UIQ3. It provides task manager, file manager and system information services, giving you more access to and more knowledge about your phone.


Changing Fonts on UIQ Devices

You can change the fonts on your UIQ devices. You need to copy the fonts files into your memory card. You must place the files in X:/resource/fonts/ where X: represent


PAP Kindgarden Fees Raise

PAP Kindergarden will be raising their fees structure with effect from 1 July 2008. My daughter centre will be charging S$110 as it is an Air-Con Kindergarden. There will be


Nintendo DS Game

The Nintendo DS Games are very interactive and enable a gamer to player with his/her friends. With these advanced and sophisticated games you can compete with your friends and challenge

Nintendo ds

Income Tax Filing

It is time to starting filing Income Tax again. Please start to do your Income Tax filing as the deadline approaches. Hardcopy filing must be done by 15 April 2008


SanDisk 8GB

SanDisk 8gb Memory Stick Pro Brand: SandiskSize: 8GBWarranty: 5 year by Vector MagneticsThe latest updated price is S$125.

PSP Game

Drawing Contest

There was another funfilled function organised by the RC Committe today. My daughter attended a drawing contest. She also get free coupons from her PAP kindergarden to attend the events.


Memory Stick Prices

The Memory Stick Pro Duo price has been reduced once again. It is indeed a good news for PSP gamers particularly the students community. 4GB San Memork Stick Pro Duo

PSP Game

Hospital Fatimah Review

Serene Father condition has been on and off but it is consider stable at the moment and the doctor will be transferring out of the High Dependency Unit. The room
