DSTT Prices

DSTT card  for NDS and NDS lite to play download games. Current price is S$50. Please email us at jangwl@gmail.com for your orders. Bulk orders will enjoy discounts. Leave a


SanDisk 8GB

SanDisk 8gb Memory Stick Pro Brand: SandiskSize: 8GBWarranty: 5 year by Vector MagneticsThe latest updated price is S$125.

PSP Game

Memory Stick Prices

The Memory Stick Pro Duo price has been reduced once again. It is indeed a good news for PSP gamers particularly the students community. 4GB San Memork Stick Pro Duo

Memory Card

EZ Flash Card

R4 and DSTT has been the popular flash card for the Nintendo DS series. EZ Flash Card is now also gaining its popularity. The new package also provides a RAM

Memory Card

R4 V1.15 Kernel Update

This is the latest R4 v1.15 Kernel update available for your R4 card. It will resolved the 1905 problem. How to update R4?After downloading and decompressing the new updated files,

Nintendo ds

DSTT Kernel Download

This is the latest Kernel for your DSTT and is updated on 17 Dec 2007. DSTT V1.07 English Kernel (17-Dec-2007) After english.zip is downloaded, please unzip it into a temporary

Nintendo ds game

DSTT Card Files

There are some necessary folders and files you need to put to your DSTT card before you can use it to play download games on your Nintendo DS Lite. The

Memory Card

SanDisk MS Micro M2 1GB

1 Piece Genuine SanDisk Memory Stick Micro M2 1GB with PRO DUO Adaptor selling for S$33. Beware of imitations in the market, this has SanDisk holograms and comes with 5

Memory Card

R4 Card for NDS

R4 is a card specially developed for Nintendo DS series Slot 1 card. You just need to insert a micro SD card to the R$ card and you are really

Memory Card

Memory Stick Pro Duo

Price reduced for Memory Stick Pro Duo 4GB for your Sony PSP. It is now only retailing at only SGD$99. You can now pack more games, music and videos on

Memory Card

Memory Card Prices

Latest update prices of memory cards for your Phones, PSP and storage use.SD Mini 2GB(Kingston) – SGD$35Memory Stick Pro Duo(Sandisk) 4GB- SGD$110Memory Stick Micro M2 2GB – SGD$74

Memory Card