DSTT Prices

DSTT card  for NDS and NDS lite to play download games. Current price is S$50. Please email us at jangwl@gmail.com for your orders. Bulk orders will enjoy discounts. Leave a

Memory Card

Wangan Midnight

Wangan Midnight Portable [JAP] FULL CSO 279 MB Part 1 http://mihd.net/hufsk9  [Rar: 199 MB] Part 2 http://mihd.net/pizv2k  [Rar: 55.7 MB] Password : hako Ripped : nothing Tested and working 3.71

PSP Game

Lenovo Thinkpad X61

Lenovo Thinkpad X61 for sale! The bidding starts at S$1850. This item is not collected from Singtel Shop yet. Collection will be done this weekend. Intel® Core™2 Duo Processor T7500


China Earthquake

Many of you must have been aware of the China Earthquake that has happen a few days ago. I urge all subscribers to do your bit for the victims in


N95 Applications

There are signed and unsigned applications for the N series phone. Please take note that you will not be able to installed unsigned application to your N series phone. You

Symbian Apps

iPod Radio Remote

iPod is an intelligent gadget but it does not comes with a radio function. Users need to buy a iPod Radio Remote in order to have radio functions on their


Patapon Walkthrough

This is the hottest PSP game which require your brain and wits. I have found a good Patapon walkthrough on the internet for all you. Use this guide if you

PSP Game

Medical Checkup

My father has under went three days of intensive checkup before he is due to take the clinical trial medication. It involves MRI, heat test and blood presure test. All

cancer treatment

Adding pictures to iPod

Many iPod users are puzzle at how to add pictures to their iPod Classic or Nano. You have to do some settings in your devices. Click on your iPod on


Huawei USB Modem

Installation of Huawei USB ModemThere is no clear instruction from Singtel package on how to install the modem and I will come out a quick guide for all Windows user.


Singtel Broadband Mobile

Singtel is currently having a promotion on their Broadband Mobile. It cost S$22.42 per month for a 512kps plan and you will get 50GB of data usage. You will only


One Missed Call Ringtone

There are many version of the One Missed Call Ringtone available. After some searching, I found one that has been nice on my phone and it is of better quality


Town Council Fees

Town Council bills are due on the first day of every month. Please remember to pay on time or the latest by the 7th of every month. If you do
