Rotten Eggs from FairPrice

I have bought the FairPrice house brand large eggs from Kampung Admiralty on the 22 May 2022. It was found rotten today when my daughter wants to cook it. The expiry is on 15 June 2022 but it had already gone back.

The following videos may make you uncomfortable, but this is the actual fact, when the egg is cracked.

Rotten Egg Cracked

Now you will see the little insects that are crawling over as it had wen bad. I am not sure where NTUC FairPrice source the eggs, but I was unlucky to pick the bad quality eggs. Their quality assurance was not able to pick up this and end up in a consumer house.

Bad Eggs

I was able to get a refund from FairPrice as I am a FairPrice App customer. Thus, I have the digital copy of the receipts. I will trust local egg farm such as Seng Choon Farm who have delivered quality eggs over the years.

Show me the city by CNA Insider

CNA Insider Show Me The City let us look at a different perspective.

COVID-19 has proven to us that human beings yearn to be part of nature, and being in the great outdoors is also much safer than enclosed spaces. Show Me, the City: On the Wild Side highlights the hidden wonders of nature in Singapore. We showcase the city’s lesser-known and surprising green side, uncovering nature-filled nooks and crannies while profiling quirky individuals who love nature. From an obstacle course set in a jungle that was previously home to a horse racing track to essential Bushcraft skills and even macro photography of the scariest critters ever, the series has something for everyone!
Extract from MeWatch

Season 1: Episode 1
Season 1: Episode 2
Season 1: Episode 3
Season 1: Episode 4
Season 1: Episode 5
Season 1: Episode 6
Season 1: Episode 7
Season 1: Episode 8

I hope that all of you like the episodes done by CNA Insider. Singapore is an exciting city if you come and take a look from a different perspective. We are going to be more green and sustainable in the next 23 years to achieve our massive Singapore 2050 sustainability goals.

Day 01: Covid Positive

After 2 years of Covid-19 pandemic, I have also strike the lottery today. For people with acute respiratory infection (ARI) symptoms like fever, flu or sore throat need to visit a swab and send home (SASH) clinic. The other clinics will not accept you and request you to look for a SASH clinic to see a doctor. You can use the following link to find the SASH Clinic:

Note: The information is correct as of the posting date. Covid-19 regulations are changing periodically to meet the latest protection for Singapore residents.


My mum is recovering well from Covid-19 with no medical complications. The Silver Generation Office continue to call and check on her medical situation. Her SPO2 remains at above 97%. It is not easily task to isolate in a single room. This is something that the Ministry of Health staffs will not know given there are are more than 3 persons in a household living in either HDB or Condo.

The Home Based Recovery will help the government to save money and avoid additional up front costs. This will ensure that they do not need to draw money on reserves. As for ordinary residents of Singapore, we just need the medical and mental support as we assist our family members to ride through this difficult period.

Today is Day 09, the Discharge Memo had been delivered through SMS. She will be discharge of her Isolation Order tomorrow at 12pm. I encourage the rest of you with family members on HBR to ride through the period with all the support they required.


The doctor had called to check the condition of the Covid-19 patient. My mum condition is stable with cough and phlegm. The SIlver Generation Office has also called in to check on her condition. Multiple government agencies are aware of her condition. Her recovery looks smooth and she is now just 4 days away from ending her isolation order.

My daughter also has high fever after her Covid-19 booster jab. Another patient to take care of my house.

Covid-19 can blood oxygen levels to drop and checking the oxygen saturation (SPO2) can help to detect early signs of deterioration in health. The SPO2 must be above 95% to stay in optimum health condition.


The health buddy call to check on my mother condition. SPO2 level is still above 97% but the cough still persist. The resident committee also send the Care Pack for my mum. The Care Pack consist of face mask, Antigen Rapid Testing (ART), vitamin C, Strepsil and wet wipes. It becomes an opportunity for the MP to show care for their Covid-19 resident.

We cannot don the PPE to care for the patient but only use normal surgical mask. Household members do carry a risk of contracting the virus or spread to the community or colleagues. We are just like the virus transporter which is why the community spread cannot be eliminated,


My mum condition is stable and the SPO2 level is also above 97%. It is not easy for a senior citizen to perform the home based recovery. It means isolating within her room for most of the day.

The Home Base Buddy staff contact me to inquire my mum condition. The staff also provides me a 24 hour contact number for us to call if help is required or any queries on the Home Base Recovery Program.

Home Recovery Program: 6874 4939

Household members with Health Risk Warning (HRW) can leave the house if the Antigen Rapid Testing (ART) is negative. We can still continue with our daily activities and minimize any social interactions.

covid-19 positive home based recovery day 02

All the household members had received the Health Risk Warning (HRW) today. We need to perform the Antigen Rapid Test (ART) today and submit the test result to by the end of the day. In addition, you must also acknowledge the receipt of the Order immediately at https://gov,sg/hrw as soon as possible. You can collect 2 packets of ART at the vending machine. Each packet comes with three (3) test kits. You may search for a vending machine, to collect at your convenience. These ART machines may not be within 2KM of your residence.

ART Vending Machine

HRW recipient can go out of the house if their ART result is negative and is valid for 24 hours. HRW recipient must monitor their health for 7days before they are discharge.

The outsource partner of MOH, Certis Cisco will collected the Covid-19 patient Trace Together Token. You need to take a picture of the rear with the QR Code. A receipt of the officer collecting the token will be given to you. You will need this receipt and a picture of the token rear to collect a new Trace Together Token after your isolation order had ended. A finger tip Oximeter will also be issue to the patient to monitor the SPO2 level. It should be in the range of 94% to 100%.

The doctor will also call you to access the patient situation. You must be able to take all the MOH and Tele Doctor calls; else need to wait for them to callback. There is no means for you to contact them as it is not a fixed number. It is a waiting game if you missed the calls.

Covid-19 Positive day 01

My mum had ARI symptoms and visited the NHG Woodlands Polyclinic for assessment. There is a special area to assess these suspect patients. The doctor was in full PPE and access my mum conditions accordingly. She prescribe the medication and arrange for ART and PCR Swab to be carry out.

I did not received the ART result after 30 minutes as mention by the duty staff. The PCR swab positive message was sent in the evening to my phone and my mum.

We immediately isolated her in the room and followed the instruction listed on the sms.

cancer treatment drugs in singapore

MOH will only allowed approved cancer treatment drugs to be claimable under the basic and integrated shield plan from 2023. This may means that patients may missed out on cost effective drugs but not on MOH list due to the cost. This imply that it had to come out of our pocket. This will affect average Singaporeans like us but not the affluent people.

This will allowed us to have limited access to cost effective drugs on the market. The main primary reason is the cost as we will not be able to afford it. Thus, we will have to depend on drugs on the MOH approved list. It may not be the best effective drugs but is cost efficient to the government. It may not sound reasonable to the average residents in Singapore.

Please stay healthy if you want to have a good and sustainable life. Nothing is free here and everything comes with a cost.

Read Up
Comparison of Integrated Shield Plans in Singapore

Air purifiers

Most of HDB owners will have a air purifier in their house since the out break of haze or COVID-19. The sale of these equipment is expected to peak in the coming weeks.

Tan Tock Seng Hospital is also installing the air purifier in every cubicle of the hospital wards. Facility Management across all hospitals and buildings must share knowledge and resources to work together to bring the COVID-19 under control.

Happy LAbour Day 2021

Happy Labour Day to all whom are working today. Healthcare care workers both front end and back end had been working tirelessly to ensure Singapore are safe.

Do not let your guard down and ensure you observe safe distancing. Everyone of us must do our part in order to keep the community safe.

Low energy building by keppel land

Keppel Tower is a typical example for the super low energy building in Singapore. There might not be an opportunity for us to learn the technologies that had been put in place unless you know the facilities management staff working there. We can only get the information from the news or social media to learn and apply it to our building. This is part of our sustainability practice to ensure that we keep the carbon footprint of Singapore as low as practicable.

Singapore is targeting 80% of new developments to be super low energy buildings from 2030

Full Rider IP removed

Most of the Singapore insurance companies will be removing the no co-payment of the integrated shield plan (IP) rider by Apr 2021. All customers will need to pay a minimum of 5% of co-payment for their hospital stay. Previously, all customers on the rider plan does not need to make any co-payment. All these are changing as Ministry of Health is recommending that every person should be responsible for the healthcare cost.

Strait Times, 12 Feb 2020

We must be responsible for our health to ensure that healthcare cost is sustainable for every residents in Singapore. Take charge of your health and mental wellness.

BMW tanjong pagar crash

It is Day 02 of Chinese New Year (CNY) 2021 and an unforunate accident occur at Tanjong Pagar shop houses. The online video has suggested that the car was speeding before it meet with an accident at the Tanjong Pagar shop houses.

My deepest condolences to the family members of the decesased. The authority will conduct the necedssary investigation and shed light on this accident. Let us not spectulate and hurt the families in any way whom had lost their love ones during the most important day of the Chinese Lunar Calendar.

She demonstrate the love for her partner and bravely try to save him from the burning BMW. I wished her have a speedy recovery at the hospital.

News Link


Enhanced SHN

Due to the new Covid 19 strain from UK and South Africa, the border restriction at Singapore is tighter. You now have to undertake 14 days of stay home notice (SHN) at dedicated government facilities plus an additional 7 days of SHN at your place of residence. This is going to affect salary workers as it will wipe out all your leave.

An Engineer in the Day and Tech Cruncher at Night.