iTunes 7.6 Released

iTunes 7.6 version is now release. Buy music, movies, TV shows, and audiobooks, or download free podcasts from the iTunes Store 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Organize


Playing MP4 and AVC

The PSP player support playing video files in the format of MP4 and AVC videos. The videos will have an extension of .mp4 after you convert the videos. Most conversion

PSP Video

OXIA Personal Oxygen Dispenser

Oxygen is the most essential element that sustains life on earth. It is also plays an important part as a powerful detoxifier, which regulates regular health conditions. Good levels of


Gain IQ Offer

Shop n Save cuurently is having a promotion for Gain IQ milk powder. It is retailing 2 cans at S$46.95. The normal retail price is $25.20 to $26.20 depending on

Milk Powder

Xilisoft iPod Video Converter

Xilisoft iPod Video Converter is a powerful iPod conversion tool, easy to use. It can help you easily and rapidly convert popular video formats like AVI, MPEG, WMV, MOV, MP4,


Samsung 2GB K3 for S$80

Selling this used Samsung K3 2GB K3 MP3 Player. Used for 1 year and condition is 8.5 out of 10. It comes with the packaging. The package contains the MP3


DSTT Card Files

There are some necessary folders and files you need to put to your DSTT card before you can use it to play download games on your Nintendo DS Lite. The

Nintendo ds

Closure of Asia Plus(CH49)

Asis Plus (Ch 49) will cease transmission on 29 February 2008. There will be no impact on your monthly subscription except you have one less channel to watch on Starhub

Cable TV

NDS Game Downloads

Many people has been asking me where to download NDS games on the internet. I have found one site for NDS which you download games for your Nintendo Game Boy

Nintendo ds game

PSP Slim Price Update

The PSP Slim is currently retailing at S$280. It is a basic pack and consist of the console and charger only.There is no modiifed set available as the authority is


Creative Zen Vision:M 30GB

I am selling this good condition Creative Zen Vision:M 30GB player. This was given to me as a free gift in October 07. The package contains the player, charger, usb


Baby Bonus Scheme

The Baby Bonus Scheme, first introduced in April 2001 and enhanced in August 2004, supports parents’ decision to have more children by helping to lighten the financial costs of raising

Baby Bonus

Pokemon Diamond Version

The first DS chapter of the continuing saga of Nintendo’s "collect ’em all" RPG series. Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl offer a number of exciting new features to please both

Nintendo ds game

Java Extractor

The EQ java Extractor will help you to extract java files out from your mobile phone so that you can upload to your PC. It can extract any java applications

Mobile Phones