Renew OPC Car Road Tax

I have come out this checklist to ensure that you have done it correctly in order for you to renew your OPC Car Road Tax. Step 1 Source for your


Lenovo IdeaPad U150

The Lenovo IdeaPad U150 runs on Core 2 Duo processor with 11.6-inch display featuring 2GB of RAM, a 250GB hard drive, and integrated Intel X4500 graphics. You can get this


Cafe World Guide

There are a lot of different social games on sites like Facebook and MySpace. I’ve seen a dozen of them in the last few months blow up and frankly I


SITEX Computer Show 2009

The SITEX Computer Show will be starting at the end of this month. It will kick start your end of the year shopping for technology stuffs festival. There are more

PC Show

Fuelsave 95/98 Promotion

Celebrate the launch of new Shell FuelSave 98 and 95 at just $1 (nett) per litre for a limited time! Hurry, this offer is valid between 10 am and 6


Upgrading Satellite M70 Laptop Memory

I am upgrading my Toshiba Satellite M70 Laptop Memory to boast my laptop performance and speed. The Toshiba Satellite M70 Series Laptop takes the PC2-4200 DDR2 SDRAM SODIMMs Memory Type, and comes


Camera Phones in Army Camp

Singapore Army Camps has restricted the use of camera phones in the camp for security purposes. But this is the most easily breach rules as many people own camera phones.

Army Daze

LG Mobile Support Tool

You have to install LGMobile Updater Application before you can download the manual, software or the lastest firmware for your phone. You will not be able to get the latest


Wii Games Downloads

There are many blogs and forums on the internet that offered free downloads of Wii Games online. The Wii Games are all hosted online at File servers such as MegaUpLoad,

Nintendo Wii Game

TypePad CSS Hack

This is a CSS Hack for moving the TypePad Navigation Bar above the Banner. Normally the Navigation Bar will be below the Banner. Move Your TypePad Navbar Above the Banner
