Circuit Breaker Day 06

Everyone have started to get use to the safe distancing to get access to the supermarket and wet market. You also need to don a mask in order to enter it or get rejected from entering it. The rules will be follow by the obedient residents generally. But there is a small portion of people who always want to challenge or override the rule. Hence, in Singapore the government always made it into a law to ensure people follow.

There is an issue on the eating allowable places for essential staffs on the move especially in hospital. There is no sufficient pantry to cater to the huge amount of staffs to take a meal at a safe distancing of 1 metres. We need to spill these staffs to open areas with chair at a distance of 1 metres. FM will innovate and create short term dinning places for our frontline staffs to enjoy their meal during their break.

FM always try our best to help our frontline staffs to solve the backend issues so that they have more time to concentrate on fighting the COVID 19. We may not get the honour after this pandemic end as FM is just one of the backend support group working silently. But this is our national duty especially for local helming the fort.

An update of today situation in Singapore battle grounds:

[Sent by]

COVID-19: 12 Apr update

New cases: 233

– Imported: 0

– Local cases (linked): 66 (linked to known clusters/cases)

– Pending contact tracing: 167 (16 are S’pore citizens/PRs; 10 are Work Pass/Long Term Pass holders; 141 are Work Permit holders mostly residing in dorms, work sites)

Total cases: 2,532

– Hospitalised: 976 (31 in ICU)

– In community facilities: 988

– Fatalities: 8

– Total discharged: 560 (Discharged today: 32)


Help our contact tracers

🧾🚖 Keep your taxi receipts for one month to help identify close contacts, should you or your driver get infected

📱 Download TraceTogether App to help determine if you’ve been exposed to the virus, even between strangers. Make sure the app is active when you go out, esp in meetings and crowded places.


It is everyone duty to do safe distancing and stay at home to fight the COVID 19. Let us do our part for the total defence in Singapore.

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