Circuit Breaker Day 09
I have completed my night duty officer at the hospital command centre. We are still seeing three digits growth for the COVID 19. Ever since after my national service, this is my duty to serving Singapore once again. I am a Facilities Management staff in the hospital and together with my other colleagues, we play a critical part in this battle. We are scare just like others but I look forward to working there to help the community.
I am able to have the luxury to find seat on the train ever since the start of the circuit breaker. There is no issue of locating a seat even with social distancing on off peak hours. Anywhere the train will be increasing its frequency due to the drop in the ridership.

After the circuit breaker end, there will be a strain on the system if we continue need to practice social distancing on the train. With this rate, trains frequency need to shorten to 2 minute in order to meet the passengers demand.