
SGH is transforming care with innovative mobile ward built from the car park area. Watch the time lapse video on how contractors realise the dream of healthcare needs during COVID


Lesson on Ge2020

The GE2020 are over and PAP had formed the government with 83 seats and 10 seats went to the opposition. WP had raised the occasion and apologised for their team


BCA COVID Safe restart

Many companies especially non-construction sector may have been overload with the procedures to restart. You will still need to apply with BCA if you have work permit holders (WPH) tag


Work from home a reality?

The COVID 19 had proven that work from home (WFH) can be a reality for many companies in Singapore or globally. This is going to challenge the management to change


Cicuit Breaker Day 15

The number of infected patients had maintain at above 1,000 cases for the past 2 days. This had trigger the task force and the SIngapore Prime Minister to take on


Circuit breaker day 11

The trains had increased their frequency during the peak hours which is a bad move. This represent how the government and train companies senior management are out of the touch


Circuit breaker Day 05

Our hospital like others were not designed to handle major pandemic like COVID 19. This will be posed for a design change after this pandemic end. In Singapore, we made


ICU Refresher course for covid 19

Ground-up initiative to rapidly train healthcare workers with minimal ICU experience to assist ICU-trained teams in this COVID19 pandemic situation. This should not replace formal training. Project Equip is a


COVID 19 Battle links

The consolidated links for Singapore battle against the COVID 19. CONSOLIDATED LINKS FOR COVID19 BATTLE 📱Gov.sg Whatsapp Subscription Local: go.gov.sg/whatsapp Overseas: go.gov.sg/whatsapp-overseas 🏥 To find a PHPC clinic www.phpc.gov.sg 😷


Mass Fever screening

The Wuhan virus is still not been contained and had the potential to infect more people’s globally. Airports and hospitals are now equipping thermal scanner to screen human body temperature.


CNY 2020 notes run out

It is time to change new notes for the Chinese New Year 2020. But unfortunately, DBS and POSB closed the online reservation just 4 days after opening. The online reservation


Ticket without Seat

This video is worth watching. We should care for each other and not just thinking about ourself. Let our kindness warm the hearts of the society. https://www.facebook.com/1228570064/posts/10215244515446037/Credits Romana Khan on
