Category Archives: PS3

Playstation Network Status

100px-PSN_logo_color_trans Many PS3 Gamers are now playing their games without going online. Hardcore gamers are eager awaiting for the PSN Status to be resumed. Some desperate gamers have even trade in their PS3 for the XBox. The reputation of Sony are at stake. Sony does not have a schedule or deadline for them to bring the PSN back online to the millions of PS3 users worldwide.

Many questions will need to be answer

  • Have Sony never invested or mean test the PSN?
  • Is Playstation Plus Members information at stake?
  • Is the customers credit card info compromised?

PS3 Gamers like us can still continue our playing just without the online experience. But the truth is most PS3 games are built with the online experience. Let’s just wait patiently for the PSN to be resumed at the end of this month or even June 2011.

Check the PSN Status here>>>

PS3 Yellow Light of Death

The PS3 Yellow Light of Death is similar to the XBox Red Ring of Death. If turning on your system and watch that the yellow light change to a blinking red light it is very frustrating. You press the button over and over trying to get the system to boot, but it does no response to your wishes. Many people will assume their console has really died and there is nothing to do but replace it, this is absolutely untrue.

The PS3 Yellow Light of Death is mostly caused by overheating of the game consoles in most cases. The PS3 console needs adequate ventilation to prevent overheating, or at least make it less likely to happen. Do not block the fan dent behind the console and ensure that they are no things beside the console that will prevent dissipating of heat to the environment. Ensure that the dust accumulating behind the fan dent is clear away so that the fan can do the job of dissipating the heat out to the environment.

You will send the PS3 to Sony for repair if you still have a valid warranty. In Singapore, Sony service Centre are easily accessible by MRT and shipping cost has never been an issue. But if you are from other countries, Sony Service Centre may not be in your vicinity of stay and shipping costs will be involved. So most people will turn to online for fast solutions.

PS3 Yellow Light of Death Solution
There is now a solution to the PS3 Yellow Light of Death. This would save you $200 and the lead time for shipping and repair which would take up from 2 to 6 weeks. You would have fix the PS3 console within 1 hour just like the Sony Technician would have done it.



Save PS One Game Data on PS3

I have downloaded PS One Game from the Playstation Store. You can create a virtual memory card meant for saving the PS Game. 

Saving PS Game Data

  • Go to Game
  • Go to Memory Card Utility
  • Create New Internal Memory Card
  • Press 0
  • Choose to create Internal Memory Card for PS
  • Enter the name for Internal Memory Card
  • Press OK

The maximum memory for PS is 120KB.

Assigning Slot to Internal Memory Card

  • Go to Game
  • Go to Memory Card Utility
  • Go to Internal Memory Card
  • Press triangle and select Assign Slots and Press 0
  • Select Slot 1 or 2 and Press 0

The Sony PS3 allows you to play and save PS game that you download from the Playstation Store. I hope all PS3 Gamers enjoy their games.

Sony PS Slim 120GB

The Sony PS3 Slim 120GB is retailing at major game outlets from S$440 onwards. Please do not buy the Sony PS3 Slim at Sony Centre as it cost S$512 which cost S$50 more than other games outlets. 

You will notice some game outlets will charge you $440 for the Sony PS3 120GB set but they will write S$100 more than the actual price they sold to you. Most game shop staff I interview mention that they do not want to run into trouble with Sony if they sell the set at a low price in their shops. 

Please register your warranty online and you get not 12 months but 15 months of warranty from Sony Singapore.

Basic & Special Features 

  • Approx 290 X 65 X 290 mm width x height x length)
  • Console mass Approx 3.2 kg
  • CPU Cell Broadband Engine™
  • Sound LPCM 7.1 ch, Dolby Digital, Dolby Digital Plus, Dolby TrueHD, DTS, DTS-HD, AAC
  • Memory 256 MB XDR Main RAM, 256 MB GDDR3 VRAM
  • Wireless Controller (Bluetooth) YES
  • BD/DVD/CD Driver (Read Only) BD 2x (BD-ROM) / DVD 8x (DVD-ROM) / CD 24x (CD-ROM)
  • 120 GB *7
  • USB 2.0 YES ( x 2 )
  • Screen Size 480i / 480p / 576i / 576p / 720p / 1080i / 1080p
  • HDMI Ouput YES ( x 1 / HDMI Compatible with Ver1.3a Deep Color and x.v.Color (xvYCC) )
  • AV Multi Output YES ( x 1 )
  • Digital Output YES ( x 1 )

What Is Inside The Box:

  • 1 PlayStation 3 Slim 120GB BLACK System Alone
  • 1 PS3 Controller Dualshock 3 Black (Wireless)
  • 1 PS3 AV Cables
  • 1 PS3 Power Supply
  • 1 User Manuals
  • 1 PS3 USB Cable
  • 1 PS3 Slim Black 120GB Box

Buy Playstation 3 HDD 80GB


The Playstation 3, HDD 80GB Model is now going for S$600. Grab this high end consoles for the Christmas Season before it is sold out in the store. It is best to use a component cable or HDMI cable to ouput the video and sound rather than using the AV cable provided. Play it on a LCD or Plasma Screen to made full use of the graphic engine.

Box Contents

  • PlayStation3 Console (HDD 80GB Model)
  • PS3 Wireless Controller 
  • AV Cable
  • Power Supply 
  • Manual 

Order Online at Play-Asia