Petrol Pumping Tips

These are the compiled Petrol Pumping tips which will save your money, fuel and even your car maintenance fees. It is up to you to believe it or not: 1.


Online Insurance Quote

Get an online insurance quote from the insurance companies. I recommend you skip your insurance agents and therefore do not need to pay comission fees. Get an online car insurace


OPC Drive on Weekends

OPC Scheme has been improvished and drivers will be able to drive on Weekends. That means you can use your car on both Saturday and Sundays. In addition, you can


Fuelsave 95/98 Promotion

Celebrate the launch of new Shell FuelSave 98 and 95 at just $1 (nett) per litre for a limited time! Hurry, this offer is valid between 10 am and 6


Off Peak Cars Usage Time

Off Peak Cars population in Singapore is increasing. Many have been attracted by the one-off S$17,000 rebate on their car purchase prices. Road Tax is only S$50 per year compared