CIRCUIT Breaker Day 03

We have enter the third day and overwhelm by 287 cases. There is a need to relook at our dormitory design and stop packing so many people within a room.


Circuit breaker day 01

Today is the start of the Singapore Circuit Breaker to fight the Covid-19. For the first time in my life, I am seeing all eating outlets accepting takeaway only. This


CoroNAvirus self check

The new NCP Coronavirus (COVID-19) has a latency period of 0 to 24 days. As there may be no sign of infection, one will not know if he is infected.


Coronavirus fact

The Coronavirus is spreading and affecting people lives worldwide. People are panicking and snapping up surgical face mask in the retail stores. Let’s look at the Coronavirus fact and how


NHGP Waiting Time

It is good that you can know how many patients are waiting before you see a doctor. You can plan your time at the PolyClinic. You will see a QR


MiHealthCare Shut Down

MiHealthCare will shut down on 28 Feb as updated by the NHG call centre. They do not want to reply my email but informed me through the phone. You can


SGH ENT Clinic Patient Experience

Registration using the automated registration machine is fast and convenient. You can scan your IC/ID card and it will generated the slip if you have a schedule appointment. The slip


Subsidy Patient in distress

I bought my mother to Singapore General Hospital Clinic A (ENT) for a specialist follow up on her Thyroid. She will need an operation after they had seen her CT
