Straits Times Review June 2022
I am a digital subscriber for Straits Times for more than a year and have notice that the technological upgrade had been slow. Hence, I have decided to document my review here.
The iOS App only have 9 news articles for subscribers content.

There are in fact a lot of for subscriber content available on the website. But it is not reflecting on the app and thus paying subscribers are short change for the monthly subscription fees.
There is a another bug on the web browser for subscriber content. There is a subscribe button below it even though we have login as a member. After you click on it, it will bring you to the Singapore Press Holding (SPH) subscribe page. Hence, the subscribers are unable to access the “For Subscribers” news article content. We are treated like non-subscribers.

Straits Times need to address all these bugs and have a acceptable timeline to rectify all these bugs. if they do not act, SPH will find that they are going to be lacking the technological advantage as compare with other regional news agency who have done better.