This news extract is in Chinese and everyone is discussing the legality of price increase during Chinese New Year. $0.20 to $0.50 of increase is acceptable to the public.
But the vegetable rice stall is charging $2 surcharge for every plate or packet. You cannot determine whether it is used solely to pay the manpower over time or the bosses extra bonus. It had been a trend that this is the only public holiday where all the business will try to put in the surcharge. I will let you decide whether it is fair and you can comment on it.
为了在农历新年期间继续营业,许多餐饮业者向顾客征收附加费,但有顾客申诉,后港港脚坊(Kang Kar Mall)食阁的一家杂菜饭摊位每包饭征收2元的附加费,引起公众质疑该收费率是否合理。