Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Price has been quite stable in Singapore. There is high demand for this smartphones in Singapore. Singtel, Starhub and M1 are facing a stock crunch for this model. Please take note that Samsung Galaxy Note 2 has LTE and NON-LTE model.
Model Number
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE(GT-N7105)
- Samsung Galaxy Note 2(GT-N7100)
GT-N7100 is a export set sold in Singapore. Beware if buying at retail store in Singapore especially at places like Sim Lim Square. U should be getting the LTE Edition; GT-N7105 and not the GT-N7100.
Let’s look at the prices of the Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Price by the local telcos.
- $568 with Flexi Lite($39.90 monthly)
- $288 with Flexi Value($59.90 monthly)
- $98 with Flexi Plus($99.90 monthly)
- $0 with Flexi Premium($59.90 monthly)
Please check the latest Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Price at Singtel Shop by clicking here.
Samsung Galaxy Note 2 LTE Price
S$860 (12 Jan 2013)
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