Save the Wedding at Cafe World

The latest mini game for Cafe World is to bake a Wedding cake for a "Friend" in 14 days time where her cake shop cancelled on her wedding cake booking which resulted that she will not have her wedding cake on her wedding.


You will have to ask your Cafe Friends to send u all the ingredients required to bake the cake. It is just like the spice rack, except with 14 days time limitation imposed. You will see a wedding rack inside your cafe world which is a white round table with pink border.

Cafe World_Wedding Rack

Click on the Wedding Rack and you will see the progress that you have made to Save the Wedding. Click on Ask for help" and send to your Cafe Friends, but if you already sent your gifts out for that day, then you will not be able to ask for help. You need lots of Cafe Friends as they are allowed to sent you one ingredient per day only. You can also buy all the ingredients for 25 Cafe Cash.

Save the Wedding

12 thoughts on “Save the Wedding at Cafe World

  1. I don’t understand why when my friends gift me the ingredients to the cake, my cafeworld will only accept one gift only out from all the friends’ gifts!! Why? Can anyone help?

  2. A popup must appear to ask u to help save the Wedding and upon accepting it, a wedding rack will appear in your cafe.
    But there are some bugs and some of my Cafeworld friends also never got the popup to save the wedding.

  3. I’m on the last section (decorations) and it keeps going back to the last section and not saving my progress. I even spent some cafe cash on it, and it’s still not happening. Is this a problem with anyone else too?

  4. This is a Cafeworld bugs. I guess you will not waste the 20 cafeworld bucks for nothing. Try to contact the developer.
    But Cafeworld is known for thier bugs as some users do not even have the Save the Wedding pop ups.

  5. I wish the developers of the game can also make spice racks for special herbs needed for rare recipes. But I do like the game though it’s nice very restaurant city like. And a great time to waste facebook.. 🙂

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