Setup Singnet 2 Wire Modem

Singnet does not provide a detail instruction on how to setup the Singnet 2 Wire 2701HGV-E Modem. I am providing you a detail explanation on how to setup your modem for Broadband Connection. It is specially created for all novice Singnet Broadband users. You do not even need to use the CD they provide as you will need to disable your anti virus and firewall program in order for it to work.

Setting up 2 WIRE Modem(For First Time User)

You will need to start with the hardware setup first.

  1. Connect Power Adaptor Cable to the Power Port on the Modem
  2. Plug your telephone cable to Phone Line Port on Modem and to your telephone socket point
  3. Connect LAN/Ethernet/RJ45 cable to LOCAL ETHERNET port (can plug to any port) and the other end to your computer
  4. Power on your Modem

You need to wait for it to load up and the Broadband Light turns Stable. If the Broadband light is blinking, please contact Singnet. At this point, the Internet light will still be RED .

The next step is to setup the Modem so that you can start surfing the internet.

Modem Setup Configuration

  1. Modem and computer is now connected via LAN Cable
  2. Open your browser like Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox or Opera
  3. Type in the URL Box
  4. You should see INTERNET CONNECT/DISCONNECT on the left hand side
  5. Click on the link
  6. Fill in the following information

    USER NAME: user id@singnet (provided by Singtel)
    PASSWORD: broadband password (provided by Singtel)
    CONFIRM PASSWORD: broadband password (provided by Singtel)
  7. Click CONNECT
  8. Internet light should turn from Red to Green

You should be ready to start surfing the internet once you got the Internet Light turn to Green. If Internet light is still RED, it means broadband password is wrong.

One thought on “Setup Singnet 2 Wire Modem

  1. Hi Richard,recently I problem adjusting the brightness of my Omnia 2 screen,I also install WM6.5,Kindly advise me how to do the brightness adjustment.I hv try adjusting fr Basic setting,Display & Light,Brightness,fr there I adjust the brightness,but it don’t seen to work.Thanks

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