How to check F480 Firmware?

Most users have upgraded the firmware through the Samsung Service
Centre or have different firmware depending on where you have purchased
the phone. You do a check on your firmware version and determine
whether it is the latest version.

Press *#1234# to check your Firmware Version on your F480.

Firmware Information

F480 = Model
DX = Region
H = Year
G = Month
2 = Revision

Region codes:

BD Cyprus, Greece
CP Finland
DB Vietnam
DC Thailand
DD India
DT Australia
DX Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam
DZ Malaysia, Singapore
JA South Africa
JC Algeria, Morocco, Nigeria, South Africa, Tunisia
JP Arabic
JR Arabic
JV Algeria, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Morocco, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey
MT Switzerland
XA Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Switzerland, United Kingdom
XB Denmark, Norway, Sweden
XC Portugal, Spain
XD Croatia, Czech, Hungary, Slovakia
XE Bulgaria, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Russia, Ukraine
XF Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania
XX Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Spain, United Kingdom
ZC China, Hong Kong
ZT Taiwan
Mobile carrier codes:
AE SFR, France
AI Tim, Italy
AM Vodafone
AN E-Plus, Germany
AS KPN, Netherland
AU Mobilkom, Austria
BB Tmn, Portugal
BF Optimus, Portugal
BG Telefonica, Spain
BM Swisscom, Switzerland
BN Amena, Spain
BO T-Mobile, Germany
BU Vodafone
BV Orange, Switzerland
BW O2, United Kingdom
CD Proximus, Belgium
CG Telia Mobitel, Sweden
CH SingTel, Singapore
CK Tele2 Comviq, Sweden
CT Tdc, Denmark
CU One, Austria
CV Telenor, Norway
DT Optus, Australia
DV Telstra, Australia
EF Celcom, Malaysia
JB Vodacom, South Africa
MD Telia Sonera, Finland
MJ Vodafone, Italy
MM Tele Ring, Austria
MV NetCom, Norway
NA Nrj, France
NB Tele2 Norway, Norway
NE H3g Nordic, Sweden
NP H3g, Italy
SS Vodafone, Japan
Release year codes:

A 2001
B 2002
C 2003
D 2004
E 2005
F 2006
G 2007
H 2008
I 2009
Release month codes:

A January
B February
C March
D April
E May
F June
G July
H August
I September
J October
K November
L December

A Firmware Version maybe like F480DXHG2 means Model F480 and region
is DX as mention above. HG means firmware is release in July 2008.

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