Viewty Battery Saving Tips

Many users has been complaining on the poor battery life of the Viewty. The battery life depends on the Phone and Profile Settings and the usage of the users. You can often get 3 days of usage before a recharge under normal conditions. I have come out with a list of battery savings tips to help Viewty owners to improve their battery life.

1. Multitasking!
After you’ve finished using an application or browsing on your Viewty,
make sure the application is properly exited or it’ll sit in the background
using precious processor cycles & resources, which in turn uses
battery power.

2. Profiles!
Some of the default profiles use some of the higher powered settings on
your handset! Edit them so they are no more than you require! Pay
particular attention to numbers 5 [Backlight] & 6 [Haptics] below.

3. Bluetooth!
BT is a wireless connection that most people seem to be happy to leave
on, even when they’re not actively using the service! Turn it off when
not needed to preserve power & prevent the remote hacking of your Viewty.

4. Brightness!
The screen brightness can be adjusted from 100% down to 20%! i have
mine set at 60% and that is bright enough for the screen to be clearly
visible even on the brightest of days! Turn it down to help with you’re
power saving measures.

5. Backlight!
The backlight will consumes your battery power. Set your backlight to 20 or 30 secs and it will help to save your battery life.

6. Haptics!
Haptics use a little rotating electric motor to cause the vibration you
feel when touching the screen of your Viewty! this is by far the
biggest single cause of drain on your battery and should be edited to
one of the lesser settings in whatever profile you use. There are 3
different vibratory types and the one to go for is "Vibration 1"
as this gives the shortest burst of the 3! you should also lower the
level of vibration to between 1 and 3! you’ll still feel something
& anything more is just showing off.

7. Touch Tone!
You should probably turn off the sound altogether, as this gets annoying and also drains battery power.

8. Camera!
Using the cameravideo in either mode draws a lot of power! The Red Eye Reduction and Multi-Flash is another main culprit for the power
drainage! Turn it off and edit your pics in WindowsMac. Any Image
editor worth having on your PC has the ability to remove Red Eye.

9. Network Mode!
for those that don’t use the 3G functionality of their phone at all
(browsing fast Internet or Video calling), switching from Automatic to
an option other than UMTS (GSM network dependant) may have the effect
of lowering the network search frequency of the handset and reduce power
consumption as a result.

10.Power Save
Ensure that you have enabled the Power Save in the Phone Settings. It will help you to save your battery life.

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