Clash of Clans #02

There is a 30 minutes guard given free, if you survived the attack from your opponent. This will give you a free attack on your opponents while your town hall still has the shield.

Clash of ClansI made use of the guard while I go to loot the gold, elixir or dark elixir from my opponents. This will help me to expand my town hall.

Singapore Army Recruits on Yoga Mat

Our Singapore sons are getting more pamper as the times change in Singapore. But I am not against the army recruits using Yoga mat to do sit up anywhere. The training grounds may be hard and uneven which may leave marks or bruises on their skin.


This leaves Singapoeeans angry as for the past 40 years or more, we had gone through the hard way. Others will call us a sissy for even putting a cloth on the ground to do sit up.

This was a wrong approach by the Basic Military Training Centre to show the world our soldiers doing sit up on Yoga Mat. Tax payers had to pay for thousands of Yoga Mat yearly.

Are the Yoga Mat branded?

Temperature 2016 Taking Day

Today is temperature taking day for all students in primary and secondary school. Thermometers are flying off the shelves as it is a requirement for student to have one. The budget thermometer are easily sold out in the stores if you have not bought it earlier.


Some schools like Woodgrove Secondary School give’s free thermometer to Year 1 student. Others will have to purchase by yourself. The world is not fair and thus you have to live with it. This had indirectly raise the back to school budget as it cost at least $4. This is Singapore Life.