I have the golden opportunity to attend the Fluke Seminar. They have bought together professional from different industry to learn and share together.
The Fluke Seminar was held at the Carlton Hotel Empress Room 4 and 5. It is free and inclusive of coffee break and lunch.
It was exciting to learn all the different products offer by Fluke to solve your everyday engineering problems. There is substantial investment on the product but it is of high quality as compare with other competitors.
Engineers will need to make measurement in order to improve or resolve problems. But we may not really get Fluke tools but sometimes their competitor products due to the costing.
Every engineers had some issues at their site and was eager to find out how the tools would help them.
Sometimes we were not able to realise the full potential of Fluke product as we are only given operator training. Fluke staff also told us that workshop on the products are chargeable but it is a detail training.