Onologist Appointment

My Dad went for his blood test in the early morning at 9am and today it was quited crowded at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital Clinic 2B. He got to see the consultant at 1030am but it was not the same doctor. But as a subsides patient we are not entitled to choose our consultant as we wish. The consultant was not able to give any update but was just to check whether he has any complaints after the last chemotherapy as a new drug was used.
My Dad has to wait for another hour for his blood test result so that they can inform him when he can attend the chemotherapy session. The medical staff want to find out what medicine he was taking as prescribe previously but my Dad was not able to describe to them. The staff inform him to bring it down this Thursday during his chemotherapy session. I have went home after the review with the consultant and left my Mum with my Dad to wait for the blood test result. I am really disturb that Tan Tock Seng Hospital has invested millions dollars on their IT platform and is using GE medical system software and is still not able to know what medicine their patients are taking.

2 thoughts on “Onologist Appointment

  1. À mon avis, un gouvernement de sauvegarde / sauvetage / plan de financement n’est pas la solution pour résoudre cette crise, et bravo à la Chambre de ne pas autoriser ce plan pour passer. L’idée de fournir des «bien-être social» de ces institutions financières est une blague (peu importe qu’il s’agisse d’un achat réduit qui peut ou ne peut pas financièrement se rembourser plus tard).
    Il existe d’autres alternatives pour résoudre cette crise qui ne charge pas gravement la charge du contribuable américain (la façon dont le plan actuel ne). Mais, espérons que ces alternatives seront examinées rapidement avant qu’il ne s’aggrave … oh, et que les dirigeants nationaux cherchent la sagesse de Dieu dans ce processus ci-dessus toute autre chose.

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