Tag Archives: ClashofClans

Clash of Clans #02

There is a 30 minutes guard given free, if you survived the attack from your opponent. This will give you a free attack on your opponents while your town hall still has the shield.

Clash of ClansI made use of the guard while I go to loot the gold, elixir or dark elixir from my opponents. This will help me to expand my town hall.

Clash of Clans #01

Clash of Clans users can now attack other gamers base during their shield time. It will not remove their shield unless your shield time is less than 3 hours.


You will lost 3 hours of shield time with every attack. If you have 12 hours of shield time, you will be left with 9 hours after attacking a gamer base. This is perfect for gamers that are looting resources.