About Us

Welcome to our Blog. I have been writing on the tech  gadgets, social media and getting traffic to your website. Sometimes I also blog on my lifestyle. It is interesting to help other new blog owners to start their WordPress, Blogger or Typepad Blogs. You need to get traffic to your website or blog just like a shopping  mall getting human traffic.

I am just an average blogger and not really the successful blogger like Jaz Lai, Calvin Timo, Silver Ang who can survive just on blogging. But I am working hard to live the life as a Blogger. On the way, I will also show other bloggers on my road to success.

You can contact me for the following:

  • Guest Blogging or Writing on your blog/website
  • Writing Reviews
  • Placing an advertisement on my blog
  • Any other ventures or co-operation

Drop me an email at jangwl@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “About Us

  1. Hi Richard,

    May we request for a feature article in your blog to feature our sustainable solution? Our Hydroball automatic tube cleaning system is an award-winning sustainable solution. We would also like to talk to you about the implementation of our solution in KTPH. Please take a look at our website https://hydroball.sg for more information on our products. Please Whatsapp me at 81230074 to connect with me.

    Jasmine Koh
    Sales and IT Executive
    Hydroball Technics Holdings Pte Ltd

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